The world's largest book selection with foreign-language literature.
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We are a team of young people and each one of us enjoys books from a different aspect. We pick new book titles for you every day, making sure to include various languages and genres, expanding our selection of over 20 million books. So you can always find exactly what you’re looking for right here at Libristo. Books from all over the world in one place, for a single delivery fee.
... and you love us for it
Europe is our home and we’re rooted right in the heart of the continent.
Yes, we really do have everything...
We focus on providing a complete range of foreign literature in the world’s major languages – English, German, Spanish, French, Italian and Russian. But you’ll also find books in other 30 languages. Would you like a book in Hungarian, Croatian or Korean, perhaps? We’ve got it! This is how we put together a completely unique selection of books with more than 20 million titles. Every customer will always find the book they’re looking for.
We keep growing and getting better and better. You are also to thank for various appraisals we got and the main thing – happy readers whom we thank by offering a loyalty programme, discounts and above standard term for returning goods. If you got deceived by a book cover, you can send it back. And choose a different title that will complement your collection. We care about books but we care much more about You – readers. We believe that reading shifts people further and improves the world around us, so let’s enrich your book collection together and be thanks to that always „One page forward“.
We are a socially responsible company. We are aware that fair business relations, caring for employees and development of the region we reside in, are crucial for a long-term and sustainable company success. We are also not indifferent to the impact on our environment. We look around us as well as behind us, trying to make environmentally friendly business. We are involved in the system of collecting and recycling waste packaging in all the countries we deliver our goods to.
21 million
book titles
on offer
17 years of
in the book market
customers served
every year
25 markets
across European Union
50+ suppliers
from all over
the world
+ more 12 000 companies